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Skin care clinic

Near Boulder & Denver, CO

What is under your skin?

Learn about subsurface micro cluster blockages...
your skin’s silent struggle.


It’s time to feed, reset, hydrate, and trust your own skin with

The Regenerative Skin Process.

What we offer

Skin care clinic

Holistic facials

everything set

Holistic & medical grade Skin Care Products

Skin care clinic

Skin Programs

How we do it


Conventional acne and anti-aging treatments bombard our skin with drying agents and harsh treatments that sabatoge our skin's natural inborn renewal and self-purifying process.

The outdated “Harm to Heal” and “Dry to Fix” strategies are working against your skin’s potential while failing to correct the root cause deficiencies.

Skin care clinic
Skin care clinic


At Skin Harmonics our founder, Danny Neifert, discovered many years ago that our skin’s natural oil is not the villain it was made out to be--its the hero. Once our skin is supported with bio-available Dermal Nutrients, hydration, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials our pores become naturally clear and self-purifying.

A Functional Medicine Modeled process that delivers a profound nutritional healing to your skin msde possible by increasing the food supply directly to our dermal layer with small batch organic medical grade skincare.

What has happened to your pores?

Years of drying and trauma from the conventionl skin approach can deactivate our skin's natural purifying process and cause subsurface micro-cluster blockages to form.

These micro blockages prevent your skin from functioning properly causing acne, chronics skin texture problems, dullness, uneven skin, and accelerated aging.

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Oil becomes trapped in dehydrated wrinkled malnourished skin. Bacteria and blackheads flourish. Inflammation dominates. An absent or compromised acid mantle encourages sun-sensitivity and aging.

Skin care clinic

White blood cells attack bacteria and create tiny pus pockets that combine with skin cells and become milia. They cluster and multiply over time.

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Blackheads, milia, and milia clusters disrupt blood flow and texture. They can be stored indefinitely within deactivated skin.

The skin harmonics regenerative skin process

Your skin heals from both the inside out AND the outside in.

Skin care clinic

Right intervention will restore our skin's pore functionality, acid mantle, and reduce inflammation. Oil production becomes balanced and returns to genetic setting.

Skin care clinic

Subsurface micro-cluster blockages are pushed to the surface by an abundance of new skin cells from topical Dermal Nutrients and removed through Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.

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Activated hydrated smooth clear skin with fully restored pore functionality and acid mantle barrier function. Balanced oil production, sun resiliency, fortified dermal thickness, and lush luminosity the way nature intended all along.

The Power Of Dermal Nutrients


Your skin is thirsty!

Your skin’s natural oil is a skin saving purifying agent but only if your sebaceous glands, pore canals, and pore openings are properly hydrated. Optimal hydration expedites this healing oil to your skin’s surface where it brings supreme wellness and equanimity.

Once pore functionality is restored, oil production becomes balanced, subsurface micro-cluster blockages can be removed and your skin will become naturally clear, vibrant, smooth, and self-purifying.


Your Skin is Hungry!

Aside from our dermal layer receiving nutrients from our below capillaries, we can now feed it from above with topical Dermal Nutrients. Liposomal delivery provides profound absorption and metabolization of nutritious bioavailable retinaldehyde which increases new skin cell production dramatically without the damaging inflammation or sun sensitizing effects associated with traditional retinol.

Our mission & who we are

We harness and magnify the natural genius & vital healing force of your skin.

We are a dedicated medical fusion holistic skin care clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.

  • Boulder (Louisville), Colorado (10 min from Boulder & 30 min from Denver International Airport)--Located inside Wolfe Functional Medicine 
  • Santa Barbara (Summerland), California (2 1/2 hrs from Los Angeles International Airport)

“I am a skin texture expert. I have spent 10 years formulating with natural ingredients and 20+ years extracting skin. I have cracked the secret code on why and how subsurface micro-cluster blockages form and most importantly how to prevent them.”

– Danny Neifert, creator of Skin Harmonics & The Regenerative Skin Process

danny signature

Results from our clients


Our Skin Care App

Learn more about the skin programs we offer!

•Acne       •sensitive/rosacea       •aging delay

•pre/during/post menopause

•posible precursor lesions        •outdoor athletes

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Our E-Book


Relearning Skin Care: The Story Of Skin & The New Way

Best revolutionary practices for clean beauty & skin care

Unlock Your Best Skin

Book a Virtual Complimentary Discovery Call Today!

Get expert guidance tailored to your skin’s unique needs. In just 30 minutes, Danny will analyze your skin, streamline your routine, and set you on the path to lasting results.  Zoom, Whats App, Facetime, or phone.  Email photos to to optimize this time.


Let’s work together to get your skin on track! Ask me a gazillion questions! We can streamline and customize your home care. I can give deeper, more detailed advice using close-up photos of your skin’s texture. If you don’t want to send photos, that’s OK, too. We can still cover a lot of ground.

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