Why are skin professionals often referring to our skin using these two words? What can we learn about epidermis vs dermis? These two basic skin layers have very different roles and work together to create our skin as we know it. Our dermal layer cannot be seen as it is literally underneath our epidermis. When we think of skin, we probably only envision what’s happening on the surface. But much that happens there, like acne, dryness, wrinkles, and even sweat, are impacted by reactions deep within our skin. Skin has two primary layers, and they each serve their own purpose. Here is why each one is essential to keeping our skin healthy.
Epidermis vs Dermis: What’s The Difference
Our epidermis is the layer that we see, feel, and touch. Our deeper dermis is 25x thicker than our upper and thinner epidermis. I like to think of our skin as a birthday cake in this way; the thick cake dermis with a thin epidermal layer of frosting on top. Many people refer to our dermis as our true skin because this is the living layer that manufactures the new skin cells that become our epidermis. To be exact, it is at the juncture of these two layers that creates precious new skin cells. This meeting point between our dermis and epidermis is called the stratum basale layer, which is technically part of our epidermis. The reason that our basale layer can perform this duty so well is because of the nourishment that our dermal layer provides from underneath.
The Dermal Layer
Our dermal layer is packed with very meaningful things like tiny capillaries, elastic & reticular fibers, collagen, blood vessels, fibroblasts, mast cells, lymphatics, and nerve endings. This layer thrives from optimized blood flow via oxygen exchange. The look, feel, and beauty of our epidermis are entirely dependent on the sustained thickness and vitality of our dermal layer.
Dermal layer skin cells are alive and are continuously fed nourishment from below so it can supply the basale layer with what it requires to fulfill the important job of new skin cell production. New skin cells are being made in our stratum basale layer and once they are made they are sent upwards where they die, flatten, harden, and form the layers of our epidermis.
The Epidermis
Our epidermis is similar to our hair and nails in this way…no longer alive but still very much part of our anatomy. Even though this layer is composed of dead skin cells, we would literally die without it. Our epidermal skin layer is supposed to be dead. Ideally, there is a steady, sustainable production of new skin cells at our dermal-epidermal junction (stratum basale) that is continually supplying our epidermis with new yet perfectly dead skin cells. Our top layer of skin and upmost skin cells are constantly flaking off as they finally reach the surface to make room. Sometimes there is visible flaking, and sometimes it is not perceivable at all; yet it is all quietly happening.
Healthy skin that is receiving adequate nutrients and blood flow from deep within and below our dermis will ensure that new skin cells are constantly being manufactured and pushed upwards as they migrate to the surface where they eventually and easily will be sloughed off. This is a natural coordinated process that is in constant motion, though it slows down significantly as we age or become ill.
In essence, our epidermis layer does not heal itself; rather, it is constantly being replaced. A beautiful epidermis is directly tied to the health of our dermis. The phenomenon of “skin glow” is a function of our dermis, as this is the layer that is moving oxygen and fueling the production of new skin cells, behind the scenes, so that our epidermis remains in this perpetual replacement state.
Epidermis vs Dermis & Dermal Nutrients
This is why topical Dermal Nutrients are a radically powerful game changer for our skin. We can now literally feed our skin to expedite this natural process with previously unknown sustained strength and vigor. Skin that is resourced in this way will be fortified in dermal thickness, have a high productivity of new skin cells, and emit a ridiculous glow.
We no longer have to use micro-trauma procedures to trigger new skin cell production as this is superbly and generously provided by Dermal Nutrients. Tragically, these procedures diminish dermal health and thickness over time…the very thing we should not be doing if we are trying to help all skin matters.
The absorption of Dermal Nutrients provides a holistic way to resurface our skin, improve scars, correct acne, sun damage, optimize overall skin health, and delay skin aging. All of this is made possible by the dynamic process and robust health of our dermis and epidermis as they work together to keep us alive and beautiful. The least we can do is help them out.
An effective skincare routine will keep all of the layers of our skin healthy. Opt for a routine that nourishes rather than being overly elaborate, dehydrating, and superficial.

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.