An effective deep pore cleansing facial is a science and art. Not all deep pore cleansing facials are created equal as there is great variation in regard to technique, tools, and skill.
In this blog, we’ll explore what to look for when wanting your pores cleaned. Deep pore cleansing facials are becoming more popular as many are realizing the benefits but there are also risks that range from wasting your money to harming your skin.
What Is A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial?
A facial that is focused on the targeted removal of clogged pores, pore filaments, blackheads, impacted blackheads, milia, and milia clusters–essentially skin gunk by the specialized skill of extractions.
What is NOT a Deep Pore Cleansing Facial?
A facial that skips extractions and defaults exclusively to mere exfoliation, clay masks, astringents, or any inflammatory practice. This includes hydrofacials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, pore disinfection toners, chemical peels, benzoyl peroxide, or lasering. These methods are not a substitution for extractions as they do not actually remove accumulated skin gunk and merely leave the skin raw, irritated, and dehydrated which, ironically, encourages skin gunk to form in the first place.
Deep pore cleansing facials are often referred to as acne facials because extractions have traditionally been regarded as something that only acne skin needs and thus combined with conventional acne protocols. However, it is critical to separate these two associations as deep pore cleansing facials are not solely beneficial for just acne.
The truth is that all skin types benefit immensely from one as long as it is customized correctly to the skin type.
What Skin Extraction Tools Are Used?
Finger mitts to squeeze or “milk”: painful, capillary stress and breakage, superficial removal
Loop extractors to press: painful, capillary stress and breakage, incomplete removal
UltraSonic vibrational tool to shake: not painful, superficial removal
Wax to pull: painful, superficial removal, undesirable skin stretching
Vacuum to suck: not painful, superficial removal
Lancet to poke: painful, potential complete removal
Is Skill Required?
Yes. How hard can it be? Extremely. There is a wide range of skill levels when it comes to skin extractions. There is no standardized training and regulations vary from state to state so it is very much hit and miss and anything goes. I would consider anyone a novice if they had less than 5 years of experience. I have been extracting people meticulously for about 20 years.
How Often Should You Get A Deep Pore Cleansing Session?
The Deep Pore Cleansing facials that I provide are generally recommended once a year. The majority of ordinary more superficial spa deep pore cleansing facials are recommended monthly and are ineffective for two reasons. The first is that they are not thorough in comparison.
Secondly, correcting the reasons why skin is accumulating skin gunk in the first place must be resolved by implementing an effective simple new skin routine. Conventional skin care routines and conventional facials fail to resolve the ongoing endless production of skin gunk. Chasing and managing symptoms of skin gunk in this way is futile, not to mention expensive and inefficiently time-consuming.
Benefits Of A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial
All skin types benefit immensely from a skilled deep pore cleansing facial. The high-quality deep pore cleansing facials are customized to every and all skin types under the sun. This includes rosacea, tween skin, even elderly skin, and hyper-sensitive skin as long as the facialist is experienced and skilled enough to do so.
- Improves short-term skin texture for all skin types
Risks Of An Unskilled Deep Pore Cleansing Facial
An unskilled novice can potentially give an unnecessarily painful service, break capillaries, cause infection, bruise skin, and even permanently scar skin. Often novice extractors will over-exfoliate, excessively steam skin or over-procedure skin in general with whatever means they have available. The consequences of this can damage the skin further and make a turnaround in skin health more difficult when it comes to the big picture.
What To Expect During A Deep Pore Cleansing Session
These types of facials are not relaxing. You will not get a facial massage. They have a singular mission to remove skin gunk that a normal exfoliation could never do nor any other device or procedure could ever do. They can be painful or at best a bit uncomfortable. This is the one situation where pain is beauty. It is a quick pain that ends the long-term pain of having all sorts of gunk lodged indefinitely in our skin and causing serious long-term skin problems.
What Is Unique About The Skin Harmonics Deep Pore Cleansing Facial?
- Thorough and complete removal of skin gunk
- Addresses the root cause of all skin deficiencies and symptoms for long-term skin health
- Peri-menopausal & menopause skin resurfacing
- Acne resurfacing
- Creating smooth skin texture for all skin types
- Prevents and minimizes the development of possible precursor lesions by removing the chronic skin gunk that causes them
- Activates and supports Proper Epidermal Function and restores barrier for all skin types
- Super Dose of Dermal Nutrients for quick healing, scar prevention, and supporting Dermal Thickness associated with aging delay
- Creates skin that is self-purifying on a daily basis when combined with simple home maintenance

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.