Celebrities and beautiful everyday women are dissolving their facial fillers for two main reasons. They are coming back home to themselves and are opting for a more honest and natural look. They are following their intuition about all facets of their health and not leaving their skin out of this new equation.
What Is Filler?
Fillers are needle-injected substances that contain ingredients that add fullness to areas that have thinned due to aging. Sometimes people lose volume because of weight loss or too many procedures. Fillers temporarily add volume to the skin to mimic the look of having more collagen.
Why Celebrities Are Dissolving Their Filler
Let’s face it, fillers are a slippery slope and problematic to maintain. They stretch and inflame the soft tissue of our skin each time they are injected thus perpetuating an intrinsically addictive mode that requires the use of more and more over time. Somewhere on the path the desire to get just a tiny bit more volume in untold increments turns into “Oops too much.”
The final outcome turns into a continuously tight, swollen, puffed up, bloated face and or lips. Crossing this line becomes blurred and it is easy to slip into facial dysmorphia especially because these lines are different depending on the crowds one runs with.
Brave women everywhere are prioritizing their long-term health instead of complying with a popular toxic trend that sacrifices basic holistic principles.
What Does Filler Do?
Fillers create a temporary illusion of fullness that once processed away by the skin leaves skin looking worse because the skin has been stretched and is now “empty” thus requiring more in an addictive cycle.
Is Filler Bad For Your Face?
The short answer is yes. The good news is that the burden can be minimized by giving your skin foundational skin care that enables this healthier skin to tolerate the toxic load and minimize the aging effects. Do not underestimate the power of resourcing your skin with topical sources of food, water, barrier repair ingredients, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials to increase your skin’s health bank account. The difference is night and day for how well, or not, skin ages.
Cons Of Face Fillers
Fillers are known to be more problematic to both inject and dissolve on more mature skin. Younger skin is more resilient to bouncing back after dissolving. These are the effects of fillers:
- Stretch out our skin
- Cause inflammation
- Anxiety…yep our skin experiences anxiety, too
- Must be evacuated by the lymph system thus impairing lymph drainage which can lead to unhealthy fluid pooling
- Deactivate our skin’s inborn release capacity of natural oil production thus encouraging breakouts, clogged pores, and milia (skin gunk)
All resulting in a bad texture and tired lack of luster skin. Furthermore, face lifts on skin with a history of fillers are proving to be very difficult and fraught with complications.
Natural Options Instead Of Filler
These options won’t compete with the visual effects of instant injections yet they do provide something that injections can’t offer: skin health. A surgical fat transfer is the closest thing we have as of now. Holistic things that preserve the volume in our skin and ensure the extension of volume we were born with are sunscreen, face yoga, and microcurrent.
What’s Your Choice?
What is the new beautiful? People must reclaim sovereignty and discover and choose for themselves what this means. We each have choices on the path to discovering and learning about ourselves.
No matter what, if you decide to dissolve your fillers, locate an expert who has experience navigating the subtleties of this nuanced art and skill. Aggressive dissolving can dissolve your skin’s natural hyaluronic acid which is the very thing that must be protected and preserved.
What is beautiful to me is that we can create a space for nonjudgmental, forgiveness, changing our minds, celebration, and grace for ourselves and others while we each navigate the brutal and personal path of aging. The art of aging well requires that we reinvent ourselves at every turn in our long lives. Hallelujah to choices and the information needed for mental, emotional, and physical health!

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.