Milia appear as “tiny white dots” just below the surface of our skin. Over time, these dots increase in size and often become enmeshed within our skin. Most of the time, clients aren’t even aware that milia are in their skin.
What Causes Milia
If our skin is dehydrated and the oil from our oil glands cannot successfully be released to our skin’s surface, it will become trapped, and bacteria will grow. As a result, our body will send white blood cells to this exact location as a normal healthy response to handle this localized infection. It’s so important that we learn how to keep skin hydrated 24/7.
Again, if this tiny white pus that gathers cannot reach the surface of the skin due to topical dehydration, our skin will simply isolate and store it. If it can be expelled and reach the surface then we call this a simple white head. However, as the days, weeks, years go by, the fluid will become harder and harder. This is how it forms in our skin.
Again, in the ideal situation, this new white liquid fluid releases spontaneously as a simple whitehead without drama, but this is often not the case with chronically dehydrated & stagnant skin.
Milia & Blackheads
Often pores can be congested with both milia and a blackhead connected together, the blackhead being at the surface and the milia attached underneath. Remember, blackheads are hardened oil plugs without the hardened pus pockets, and they are black because the oil plug has been exposed to oxygen and oxidizes. Learning the different types of pimples will help you discover which one it is exactly.
Milia & Whiteheads
Sometimes fresh whiteheads will form from within our skin where a milia or blackhead already exists in an attempt to volcano the area free but when this fails this fluid eventually hardens as well and it is added to the fold. There are often clumps of milia in one single area with a variety of density levels to demonstrate how long or short they each have been there.
The Bottom Line
The biggest problem with skin congestion, besides the fact that it warps the natural exquisite texture of our skin, is that it encourages possible precursor lesions, which have the potential to turn into cancer over time. I began to notice years ago that milia were quite often just underneath the surface of possible sun-related pre-cancerous lesions. I am convinced that by preventing milia, we can avoid the number and intensity of possible precursor lesions from forming in the first place.

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.