There are many types of pimples, but they all have one thing in common when it comes to how we treat them. Whether we call them blemishes, zits, or spots, there is no denying that pimples can be unsightly and, sometimes, a painful nuisance that affects so many of us. The majority of pimples can be prevented altogether, but that is a more detailed topic for another post. If you already have a pimple, the fastest way to get rid of it is to find a professional who can safely and swiftly extract it. All pimples should be extracted sooner than later to prevent them from getting lodged into our skin long-term, thus becoming more difficult to remove. Some types are easier to extract than other types. Let’s learn about the different types of pimples – how they form, and what we can do to treat them.
Types of Pimples
There are many different types of pimples, and once we understand them, it is obvious that they all share the exact preferences for what would prevent them altogether. Surprisingly, their treatment is all the same.
Wet & Dry Acne
There is wet acne (oily skin with white blood cells as puss, which “comes to a head”) and dry acne (very dry, non-oily skin with hardened puss as milia that is buried a bit deeper down). There are isolated or multiple breakouts that are “wet” or “dry” as defined above. Often, our skin will have both types simultaneously, yet one type will be more dominant than the other.
There are also a few more factors to consider like milia. Milia are hardened, to various degrees, of white pus under the surface of our skin that our skin has been storing chronically. Our skin stores these things because it has not had the means to push them out yet…or ever. These milia can be stored in our skin for a very long time. Twenty years or even longer. Shocking, I know, but this speaks to how our skins native release function will get deactivated by conventional acne and anti-aging protocols. Another element of pimples is that our sebaceous glands can literally become inflamed and enlarged even if there is no puss or milia involved at all. So a pimple could be any one or combinations of these things. This is further complicated by clusters of milia…yes multiple milia…that cluster and multiply over the months and years when newer liquid puss can’t be successfully released as well, being converted over time into other hardened milia. The majority of people who believe, or were told, they have “cystic acne” actually have this instead. The tricky thing about milia and milia clusters is that they can literally mesh with our skin and must be masterfully removed to prevent scarring.
Simple, small, thin-fluid, superficial whiteheads can be squeezed or gently exfoliated away and are a good sign that our skin’s native release capacity is functioning healthily. Ideally, when one has self-cleansing skin, these new and simple whiteheads can easily pass through our skin quickly with little or no drama. Conversely, some whiteheads can be quite large and deep and will turn into milia and entangle more with previously formed milia clusters, blackheads, impacted blackheads, and inflamed sebaceous glands. This is why we get recurring pimples in the exact same place for years. Inflamed sebaceous glands can be helped with ice, patience, and the avoidance of the blood sugar spikes and mini-food allergy reactions that can often cause them.
Recurring Pimples
Recurring pimples are part of a bigger problem. Namely, an intestinal microbiome imbalance in need of healing that is caused by hormone imbalances, food allergies, and inherited genetic tendencies. All of these situations are exacerbated by chronically dehydrated skin. Guess what causes chronically dehydrated skin? Conventional acne solutions, anti-aging protocols, and excessive sun exposure.
How Do We Treat The Different Types of Pimples
So how do we treat pimples? Transition to the Skin Harmonics Medi-Holistic Skin Resurfacing Protocols and get professional extractions. In short, avoid over-cleansing, over-exfoliating, and the use of astringents like tea tree, lavender, and clay masks as these things contribute to them. Embrace deep hydration, dermal nutrients, and an effective moisturizer. Track down a Jedi-master skin extractor.
The Skin Harmonics Method
This new strategy expedites the release of all pimples out of the top of the skin in a temporary detox phase rather than suppressing them down where they will be stored indefinitely. We want to prevent this long-term “constipation” of our skin to prevent the texture issues that result. Old stored skin congestion such as milia, milia clusters, and unresolved impacted blackheads are directly associated with how irregular, bumpy, and unevenly toned our skin will be. The absence of congestion frees our skin up to be smooth, clear, even-toned, and shining.
Another reason to be motivated to get on a home care skin routine that activates a skin detox, besides creating a predictively gorgeous texture, is that it can reverse and prevent possible actinic precursor lesions. The development of possible actinic precursor lesions is directly related to long-term skin congestion.
All types of pimples can be prevented and resolved with the right treatment. Pimples that come and go quickly and release on their own are completely possible. This is what we at Skin Harmonics believe to be the new definition of perfect skin.

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.