Unfortunately, aging is inevitable unless you have consumed some magical elixir of youth. Our skin’s elasticity starts to decline as the levels of the structural proteins that make it up – namely collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans, drop. The good news is that there are essential ways to guard and gently regain our skin’s elasticity.
What Is Skin Elasticity?
Collagen and elastin are interwoven within our skin matrix so they are interdependent on one another and together make a team. Collagen provides volume and elastin provides our skin’s firmness…exactly the quality to regain shape…like an elastic rubber band.
What Causes Loss Of Skin Elasticity?
The largest factor that diminishes skin elasticity, along with its best friend collagen, is UV exposure. Consistent use of a strong SPF is imperative and must be used from the earliest age possible. There are clean sunscreens available now that are nontoxic and provide superb protection. I know that no one wants to hear how important minimizing sun exposure is, but it’s undeniable.
Tragically, commonplace trauma-based conventional treatments will only weaken this precious network. This very crux is where the conventional trauma-based skin industry has taken a deep hold and continues to thrive despite the final results being devoutly disappointing and very short-term. We all want these treatments to work so desperately that we barrel into them. Once the extra inflammation and fluid reside we are left with skin that is tired and depleted. I have concluded that after 30 years of being in the skin industry and watching the long-term effects unfold slowly over time, they simply just aren’t worth it. The enormous and hard-earned realization of this final net loss gives us a deep understanding of why it is supremely critical to steer clear. Listen to my audio book Relearning Skincare, The Story Of Skin & The New Way to hear the full story. I have simply readjusted my entire anti-aging strategy based on this new information that most of the conventional skin industry does not want to see…yet.
How To Preserve Elasticity
Preservation is the game for keeping our elastin as tight as possible for the long haul of beautiful aging. The only practices that stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis potential to a limited degree, mind you, also happen to be holistically based. These practices include a home-use microcurrent device, massage, slapping massage, face yoga, and acupuncture. The topical use of stabilized bioavailable Vitamin A, also known as Dermal Nutrients, will increase cell turnover to perfect texture, optimize hydration, and activate any potential for minute collagen and elastin synthesis, which will help the appearance of skin thinning in volume and elastin tremendously. Most significantly, Dermal Nutrients are a ridiculous glow builder that gets our skin glowing with bright luminosity at any age.
We must find that sweet spot where we are getting enough sun for overall body health and find holistic ways to stimulate positive blood flow without crossing the line and sabotaging our collagen and elastin matrix bed.
Skin that has lost volume due to menopause and a lifetime of the sun can still have a smooth gorgeous texture and be surprisingly glowy. Fixating entirely on volume and elastin as the only indicators for beautiful skin is not realistic, and trying to improve this with conventional treatments will only backfire in the long run.
The Bottom Line
The main problem is that we simply aren’t concerned with skin elasticity…until we are. Once we start to lose it, we become obsessed with finding the solution. When the sun we indulged in finally catches up to us…we want to fix it ASAP.
The truth is that we can’t unring that bell, but we can wisely safeguard what we still have instead of collapsing it further.
The newly informed and wise strategy is to look toward securing and shielding what we still have, lifting and toning facial muscles (microcurrent), and nourishing our skin profoundly with Dermal Nutrients as this will gorgeously and naturally carry us along the long road of aging well into our 90’s if we have the knowledge and acumen to do so.

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.