Congrats! You’re getting married. But the flowers, the cake, and the dress are just the beginning of the planning. You also want your skin to look its best on your wedding day. Here’s how to gather your pre wedding skincare.
Pre Wedding Skincare Prep
When prepping skin for a wedding, the ideal amount of time to completely resurface and detox to create flawless texture and incredible glow would be six months. Miracles can happen sooner, depending on where your skin is starting from. How problematic is your skin today? Schedule a consult with me and I can give you a more accurate estimate.
The thing about phenomenal skin health is that it comes directly from, well, actually having phenomenal skin health. Unfortunately, this is something that can be elusive and easy to miss, even if you’re spending a bunch of money on products and treatments. In fact, too often, the more money people spend on their skin, the worse it looks. When it comes to conventional skincare, the harder we try, the farther we can slip away toward dull, sensitive, irritated, lackluster skin. This is because there are so many popular skincare products and procedures that are chemical- and trauma-based. They just end up depleting our skin in the end.
The biggest pre wedding skincare mistake that most brides make is to use chemical- and trauma-based skin care products and procedures in general — and then have more procedures done too close to their wedding. Skin can then be irritated, swollen, and even bruised for their wedding day. These outdated methods are best left far before the altar.
There is nothing like the upcoming hard date of our own wedding to wake us up and get us on the right road. The pre wedding skincare is the most important step. Here’s what to do (and when to do it) to get your skin looking its best for your wedding:
Prepping Skin Six Months (or More) Before
There is no single product or facial that is a substitute for skin that is kept hydrated, clear, glowing, and vibrant on a daily basis. The absolute best daily skin care to cover the irreplaceable basics is a Skin Harmonics Origin Set. This set delivers serious hydration for fewer fine lines and clarity, Dermal Nutrients for luminosity, and barrier restoration for the fresh, dewey, luscious preservation for our skin.
You see, the best, basic daily skin health routines that deliver the best results give our skin water, real skin food AKA dermal Nutrients, and barrier restoration. So as soon as you start prepping your skin for your wedding, secure these basics immediately.
The one annual session that makes a tremendous positive impact for our skin is a Skin Harmonics Deep Pore Cleansing Session. If you can only get one procedure a year for your skin, this is the one to do, as its extraordinary impact to skin and texture is unparalleled.
Prepping Skin Three Weeks Before
Then, three weeks before your special day, get a Skin Harmonics Deep Pore Cleansing Session. This will invigorate your skin with a deep cleaning and a super dose of Dermal Nutrients that will perfect your skin’s texture and cultivate that deep, vibrant glow that you want for your big day.
Prepping Skin One Week Before
One week before your wedding, give your skin a super dose of medical-grade Dermal Nutrients. The surge of pure, happy glow this gives skin can be jaw-dropping when timed just right.
Prepping Skin One to Two Nights Before
One to two evenings before, use a potent vitamin C serum for extra shine.
Prepping Skin The Night Before
Finally, the night before your wedding or the morning of, do a long, luxurious application of a dual enzyme and hydration pack (Revive).
Makeup goes on like a dream on skin that is not irritated and is superbly hydrated. Skin that is truly happy is hard to fake in person, so it is worth the real self-care.
Bottom line: It is important to know and understand our skin so we can give it the real sustenance it wants. The Skin Harmonics method cultivates this capacity — which is imperative.

About the author
I took many wrong turns when I started learning about skin at 19. The more I spent on skincare, equipment, and training, the further I felt from actually helping skin. I was frustrated with only being able to offer temporary and superficial solutions at best. What emerged from the disappointment and turmoil, I now call, The Regenerative Skin Process. Skin Harmonics is a dedicated medical fusion holistic skincare clinic that provides a root cause approach delivering lifetime skin health through medical grade skin care products, new learning, and Deep Pore Cleansing Facials.